Installation instructions


Use installer:

It's very simple! :) Just run surfit-3.0-setup.exe.

Building surfit from sources:

Under Windows surfit can be built with Microsoft VC++ vc8:

Before building you need download and install following libraries:

Also you may want to download all libraries necessary for building surfit from This is a self-extracting archive, you should extract it near the surfit sources:

 + surfit
 + libs
        + acml       
         + jpeg-6b    
         + mkl        
         + netcdf     
         + readme.txt 
         + stxxl      
         + swig       
         + tcl8.4.15  
         + vc8_redist 
         + zlib123-dll

After that you can open projects in "vc8" directory or run make_debug.bat or make_release.bat


Use installer:

With Fedora Linux use surfit-3.0-fc7.rpm.

Building surfit from sources:



Don't forget to check your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. It must include surfit binaries path. For example use command:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

surfit: gridding and contouring software.